
What You Can Expect When Locking in a Variable Rate
If you have a variable rate mortgage, and recent economic news has you thinking about locking into a fixed rate, here is what you can expect will happen. Firstly, your lender will be very happy as they will now make considerably more money off you. Not only will your...

Thinking of Selling? Call Me First!
If you've been thinking about selling your existing property, for whatever reason, it would be in your best interest to give me a call before you list for sale. Here are a few scenarios that explain why... Buying a New Property! You have to live somewhere! If you plan...

Emptying the Nest: How Parents are Helping their Kids Buy Homes
For parents who have the means to help their kids buy a home in today’s pricey environment, gifting money towards a down payment is one of the best way to do it. In February 2018, the Financial Post ran a story about adults still living with their...

Is Right Now a Good Time to Buy?
If you've been thinking about buying a new home; whether that be your first home, your next home, your forever home, or your retirement home, the doom and gloom of it all might be causing you to question... is right now a good time to buy a home? Well... what if I...

Employment Status | How it Impacts Your Mortgage Application
Chances are, if you're applying for a mortgage, you feel confident about the state of your current employment, or your ability to find a similar position if you needed to. However, your actual employment status probably means more to the lender than you might...
Don’t Assume Anything!
A lot of people get into hot water when they assume that because they've qualified for a mortgage in the past, they will qualify for a mortgage in the future. This article has one point to make and it's this: Don't assume anything when dealing with mortgage financing!...
What is Bridge Financing?
Let's say you have a home that you've outgrown, it's time to make a move to something more suited for your family. You have no desire to keep two houses, so you decide that selling your existing home, and moving into something new is the best idea. Ideally, when...
How to Not Qualify for a Mortgage
If you have no desire at all to qualify for a mortgage, here are some great ways to make sure you don't accidentally end up buying a house and taking out a mortgage to do so. One of the best ways to ensure you won't qualify for a mortgage is to be unemployed. Yep,...
How Does Your Credit Score Hold Up?
In an article released by the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), it appears that those people who have a mortgage tend to be a little more credit worthy compared to those who don't. It also points out that credit scores are quite steady across Canada....
Top Dollar: How High Can You Go?
Affordability is a major concern for today’s aspiring first-time homebuyers. In hot real estate markets like the Greater Toronto and Greater Vancouver regions, however, the desire for affordability can be challenged by the competitive fervour caused by escalating...
Buying A Home, The 30,000 Foot View
Did you know that the average Canadian will spend roughly 11 months actively engaged in the house buying process? However, most of the dreaming (and preparation) happens before then. Buying a home is a big deal, and it's a decision that shouldn't be taken lightly....
How Interest Rates are Like Gas Prices
Have you ever noticed that just like gas prices, interest rates seem to go up and down for no reason at all? How come it feels like right before you are ready to buy a property, rumours of interest rate changes will start to flood the media? Or why do gas prices...
Reasons You Might Need an Emergency Fund
You’ve heard the horror stories: basement floods gone wrong, cars that randomly stop running, or a pal suddenly losing their job. Perhaps you’re the type of person who thinks “that will never happen to me!” when hearing one of these stories, but the cold reality is...
5 Things to Help You Survive Your 40s & 50s
You know those days where everything goes wrong and you’re so tired you don’t know what direction’s up? They’re a lot more manageable when you know what you’re working towards. Here’s 5 things that’ll help you survive—and make the most of!—your 40s and 50s. 1. Do work...
Using Common Spending Habits to Accelerate Mortgage Repayment
Whether you are looking to save a downpayment for your first home or you would like to pay down your existing mortgage just a little more quickly, the secret to getting ahead might just be in managing your spending habits. Nestwealth, a Canadian wealth management...
Homebuyers: Avoid These Common Mortgage Pitfalls
A home is the largest purchase most people will make in their lives. That should reinforce the importance of planning ahead, doing your research, relying on the advice of experts and not rushing through the process. With nearly 700,000 homes purchased in Canada each...
You Just Got a Mortgage. Now What?
Mortgages are a funny thing. On the one hand they allow you to become a home owner without saving up enough money to purchase the home outright, which is a really good thing. On the other hand, even at today's really low interest rates, as they are amortized over a...
5 Things You Need to Know Before You Co-Sign a Mortgage!
So you're thinking about co-signing for a mortgage? Okay, do you really know what that means do you know what you are getting yourself into? Co-signing isn't necessarily a bad thing, but there is certainly a lot of misinformation floating around on the subject....
Bank of Canada Rate Announcement July 11th, 2018
The Bank of Canada today increased its target for the overnight rate to 1 ½ per cent. The Bank Rate is correspondingly 1 ¾ per cent and the deposit rate is 1 ¼ per cent. The Bank expects the global economy to grow by about 3 ¾ per cent in 2018 and 3 ½ per cent in...
Spousal Buyout Mortgage?
If you happen to be going through, or considering a divorce or separation, you might not be aware that there are mortgage products designed to allow you to refinance your property in order to buyout your ex-spouse. For most couples, their property is their largest...
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