1-778-836-0511 [email protected]
Buying A Home, The 30,000 Foot View

Buying A Home, The 30,000 Foot View

Did you know that the average Canadian will spend roughly 11 months actively engaged in the house buying process? However, most of the dreaming (and preparation) happens before then. Buying a home is a big deal, and it’s a decision that shouldn’t be taken...
How Interest Rates are Like Gas Prices

How Interest Rates are Like Gas Prices

Have you ever noticed that just like gas prices, interest rates seem to go up and down for no reason at all? How come it feels like right before you are ready to buy a property, rumours of interest rate changes will start to flood the media? Or why do gas prices...
Reasons You Might Need an Emergency Fund

Reasons You Might Need an Emergency Fund

You’ve heard the horror stories: basement floods gone wrong, cars that randomly stop running, or a pal suddenly losing their job. Perhaps you’re the type of person who thinks “that will never happen to me!” when hearing one of these stories, but the cold reality is...
5 Things to Help You Survive Your 40s & 50s

5 Things to Help You Survive Your 40s & 50s

You know those days where everything goes wrong and you’re so tired you don’t know what direction’s up? They’re a lot more manageable when you know what you’re working towards. Here’s 5 things that’ll help you survive—and make the most of!—your 40s and 50s. 1. Do work...